Our Services

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We treat a wide range of conditions in both adults & children

Children & Young People

We treat a wide range of conditions presenting in babies, children and young people, supporting them right through the transition in to adulthood.

Some children are severe and complex in their presentation, with multiple difficulties and significant care needs. Other children have only mild difficulties, but these remain significant to them and their parents. Regardless of how a child presents and their level of need, we are happy to arrange an assessment to determine the best way of moving forward with any required therapy sessions.

Specialists in Neurological Conditions

Our area of specialism is neurological conditions such as cerebral palsy and acquired brain injury. These conditions often mean a child has many different areas of need. We provide a holistic approach to therapy and will propose therapy intervention for all areas of physical need, whilst considering communication and overarching health needs.

We aim to support individuals and their families as fully as possible, helping to make them feel more in control of their child's therapy by improving their own knowledge, skills and handling - resulting in feeling more empowered.

We have extensive training, knowledge and skills in a wide variety of treatment strategies which we will utilise along with a strong problem-solving approach to optimise each child's potential.

Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR)

We have extensive experience of working with children and young people, who along with their families are either considering, going for, or have had Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR).

We have helped children of all different abilities and ages to navigate the process - preparing for, then the long process of rehabilitation after surgery. With over 15 families having surgery across many different sites in th eUK and USA, we are well equipped to deal with the challenges faced at each stage.

SDR can be hugely effective, but is complex to manage and requires a high level of expertise to help each child work at the optimal level at every stage, ensuring the best possible quality of movements and functional abilities are achieved.

Babies and Infants

We are happy to see babies and infants whose parents have any concerns regarding their physical development. This may be a delay in meeting motor and/or other milestones or even a concern that something just isn’t quite right

Many children, particularly when they are young, do not have a diagnosis. Babies and infants can be fully assessed within their own home to help identify specific areas of concern and then develop an appropriate plan of input.

It may be that a one-off session is all that is required in order to alleviate parental anxiety or provide them with a plan of input to help their child progress. Other times a longer-term therapy programme may be required. Regardless, everything will be fully discussed on an on-going basis to ensure that goals are clear and the aims of input are achievable and agreed jointly.

Other conditions treated

We also provide comprehensive assessment and highly specialised physiotherapy input to children with a whole variety of other conditions. These may include:

  • Genetic disorders  - such as Rett Syndrome, Downs Syndrome and metabolic disorders. 
  • Hypermobility  - which may also present with issue of hypotonia 
  • Disorders of tone - such as hypotonia or dystonia - sometimes without any known cause
  • Co-ordination difficulties - from simple troubles to more complex cases such as Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)
  • Neuromuscular disorders such as Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

This list is not exhaustive and if your child has difficulties that are not listed here then please do not hesitate to contact us. In the unlikely event that we can't help, then we will try to put you in touch with a specialist physiotherapist who can. 


We treat a wide variety of adults, primarily with neurological disorders or difficulties, or those with long-term rehabilitation or mobility needs.


Cerebral palsy, Stroke, Acquired Brain Injury, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Disease are all examples of the types of disorders that we are able to help. Any adult who has an ongoing need for physiotherapy input, rehabilitation, or who requires assistance to improve their functional abilities and/or mobility may benefit from the therapy that we can provide. A thorough assessment followed by highly specific therapy input is provided, in order to help each individual work towards their own personal goals.

Optimising Functional Independence

We provide home-based or community/outdoor therapy programmes to help older people remain as active as possible in order to live with the greatest level of independence. We can provide therapy to help develop balance reactions, reduce falls, and help with general strengthening – all of the key elements vital in achieving optimal functional independence.

We provide individualised physiotherapy input to those who are keen to improve their physical abilities - in some cases this may be immediately upon discharge from hospital, whereas others may have life-long conditions which they would like help to manage.

Regardless of ability, we will provide highly specialised input using a wide range of physiotherapy modalities to help each individual reach their optimal potential.

Effective Home Therapy Programmes

We work very hard to ensure that sessions are engaging, varied and motivating, and may include the use of a wide range of basic equipment which can be obtained cheaply and easily. We will also provide advice on any specialist equipment which may be of benefit, such as mobility aids, postural equipment and seating which may be useful.

In order to optimise progress, we can design an achievable programme of input to help develop function in a safe, progressive and enjoyable way. It is vital to us that our clients have fun regardless of their age!

As well as face to face sessions, where appropriate, sessions can also be done using remote video links as individuals but also as groups - providing social support for those who are often most isolated.